Safi Life is 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to female advancement in Africa through the granting of university scholarships.  

Statistics prove that when a girl in a developing world receives an education, she paves the way for a future less likely to entail domestic abuse, medical complications, and poverty. When a vulnerable woman is able to take control of her own destiny, not only does her world change, but so does the world around her. 

As women and girls earn income, they typically reinvest 90% of it to their families, so their success can be passed on generationally. Additionally, a woman contributing to her local economy inevitably earns respect from male counterparts, allowing for longstanding beliefs about the power of a woman to shift. Therefore, both the economic and communal aspects of a nation are addressed, while providing for its future, weaving a healthier society overall.

By awarding individual scholarships to girls who otherwise would not be able to afford a university education, it is our hope that the recipients will go on to better the nation in which they reside, setting positive examples, and slowly changing the cultural norms in Africa. Our platform country is Rwanda, which is already leading the way for equality in Africa with 64% of its Parliament being women, the highest percentage of women in governmental position in the world.

4 steps to Safi Life success

1.   Identify a scholarship recipient   

  • Students chosen are female orphans or genocide survivors who require financial assistance.
  • Selection criteria is based on merit, high marks in secondary school, strong career goals, and a desire to change the world for the better.

2.   Fund an education

  • Donor investments go straight to university bank accounts in Rwanda.

3.   Collaborate in a cross-cultural setting

  • The annual summer leadership summit in Kigali, Rwanda, is where women from around the world connect cross-culturally with our Safi Life students.

4.   Measure impact

  • We aid in the process of finding employment for our graduates.
  • We link students with international sponsors to guide their educational and career pursuits.

Safi Life Gives Back

Safi Life scholarship recipients take an active role in their communities, using what they've learned to inspire the younger generation of girls to follow in their footsteps. Each student works with a mentee in secondary school on a regular basis. The students also actively engage with the elders in their community, who may have lost loved ones during the genocide, or who simply do not feel that they have a family to depend on. Part of Safi Life's vision is to create our own family ... and inspire lasting hope.

Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.
— Confucius